Matt Luo
Matt Luo•9mo ago

undo clear table

Asking this question for a friend 🙂 If I clear the wrong the table, is there an undo capability, even if temporarily?
5 Replies
lee•9mo ago
unfortunately not. That would be a great feature, but may be difficult to implement so i'm not confident we'll get to it soon. If you're worried about deleting important data, i suggest you download a snapshot export before clearing the table.
Matt Luo
Matt LuoOP•9mo ago
Yeah, I accidentally cleared the wrong table, but thankfully it was in dev I like how dev and prod have different colored circle icons next to it. Maybe that UX pattern can be extended for the tables. Clicking around, each table looks similar at a glance
jamwt•9mo ago
@Matt Luo we also require confirmation to delete tables in prod so it's not nearly as easy to do this accidentally
jamwt•9mo ago
No description
Matt Luo
Matt LuoOP•9mo ago
Yes I did notice that. That helps a lot Well, most devs experience pgAdmin or phpMyAdmin with no customization. You got a blank canvas here! Maybe one day I’ll be able to put human emoticons next to my users table

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