David Alonso
David Alonso10mo ago

Type of schema field depend on value of other field

Say we have a schema that on a field called props stored different kinds of objects depending on the value of a field called type. How would we define this schema in convex?
13 Replies
David Alonso
David AlonsoOP10mo ago
@Michal Srb @sshader 🙏
sshader10mo ago
https://docs.convex.dev/typescript + https://stack.convex.dev/types-cookbook are generally good resources, but to answer the question directly, you probably want something like v.union(v.object({ kind: v.literal("bird"), props: v.object({ wingspan: v.number() }) }), v.object({ kind: v.literal("dog"), props: ... })) (a union of objects, each with a field with a different v.literal value -- I used kind vs. type out of personal preference) This corresponds to this feature in TypeScript https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/unions-and-intersections.html#discriminating-unions
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David Alonso
David AlonsoOP9mo ago
tagging @Sirian I've got a bit of a more complex case in my hands and was wondering if I can improve something here:
filters: v.optional(v.array(v.object({
index: v.number(),
fieldId: v.id("firestoreFields"),
// TODO: this union should be based on the type of the fieldId ideally
operator: v.union(v.literal("=="), v.literal("<"), v.literal(">"), v.literal("<="), v.literal(">=")),
// TODO: this value type should be equal to the type of the fieldId ideally
value: v.any(),
filters: v.optional(v.array(v.object({
index: v.number(),
fieldId: v.id("firestoreFields"),
// TODO: this union should be based on the type of the fieldId ideally
operator: v.union(v.literal("=="), v.literal("<"), v.literal(">"), v.literal("<="), v.literal(">=")),
// TODO: this value type should be equal to the type of the fieldId ideally
value: v.any(),
I want to complete the todos in the code snippet. Any thoughts on whether this is possible? @sshader I guess I could do a union of multiple filter objects and have different operator types and value types for each, but the goal ofc would be to also constraint the type of the firestoreField referenced in the id
sshader9mo ago
What does the schema for firestoreFields look like here?
David Alonso
David AlonsoOP9mo ago
Something like this:
const firestoreFieldsTable = defineTable({
name: v.string(),
collectionId: v.id("firestoreCollections"),
type: v.union(
const firestoreFieldsTable = defineTable({
name: v.string(),
collectionId: v.id("firestoreCollections"),
type: v.union(
the type field is of essence in this scenario Not to distract you from the previous question, but is this good practice?
const baseBlockTableProps = {
workspaceId: v.id("workspaces"),
updatedAt: v.number(),

const blocksTable = defineTable(v.union(
type: v.literal("documentField"),
properties: documentFieldBlockProperties,
type: v.literal("table"),
properties: tableBlockProperties,
type: v.literal("page"),
properties: pageBlockProperties,
// Add other block types and their corresponding properties here
const baseBlockTableProps = {
workspaceId: v.id("workspaces"),
updatedAt: v.number(),

const blocksTable = defineTable(v.union(
type: v.literal("documentField"),
properties: documentFieldBlockProperties,
type: v.literal("table"),
properties: tableBlockProperties,
type: v.literal("page"),
properties: pageBlockProperties,
// Add other block types and their corresponding properties here
*BlockProperties are standard v.object(), but I can't seem to spread an object validator as done with baseBlockTableProps
sshader9mo ago
re: second question -- yeah that seems fine. We some day want to make it a little easier to grab the fields from a validator. re: first question -- ok yeah this seems fundamentally hard to do via schema validation since schema validation operates over a single document, and what you want is to validate something in filters based off of the document you get if you load fieldId. One option would be to have a different table for each data type (e.g. firestoreStringFieldsTable ), but I think you might be better off keeping your schema generic but having a TS wrapper + some helpers. For instance, if you always use the same function to write to filters, you can load the fieldId and assert that the types match up instead of relying on schema validation to do this.
David Alonso
David AlonsoOP9mo ago
Sounds good!! Okay, back with another question: I have the following table:
const blocksTable = defineTable(
type: v.literal("documentField"),
properties: documentFieldBlockProperties,
type: v.literal("table"),
properties: tableBlockProperties,
type: v.literal("page"),
properties: pageBlockProperties,
// Add other block types and their corresponding properties here
.index("by_parent", ["parentBlockId"])
.index("by_parent_type", ["parentBlockId", "type"]);
const blocksTable = defineTable(
type: v.literal("documentField"),
properties: documentFieldBlockProperties,
type: v.literal("table"),
properties: tableBlockProperties,
type: v.literal("page"),
properties: pageBlockProperties,
// Add other block types and their corresponding properties here
.index("by_parent", ["parentBlockId"])
.index("by_parent_type", ["parentBlockId", "type"]);
when I run this query:
const pages = await context.db
.withIndex("by_parent_type", (q) =>
q.eq("parentBlockId", args.parentPageBlockId).eq("type", "page")
const pages = await context.db
.withIndex("by_parent_type", (q) =>
q.eq("parentBlockId", args.parentPageBlockId).eq("type", "page")
I'd expect the inferred type of pages to be inferred as
type: v.literal("page"),
properties: pageBlockProperties,
type: v.literal("page"),
properties: pageBlockProperties,
but instead when I hover over pages I get:
const pages: ({
_id: Id<"blocks">;
_creationTime: number;
parentBlockId?: Id<"blocks"> | undefined;
content?: Id<"blocks">[] | undefined;
type: "documentField";
updatedAt: number;
workspaceId: Id<...>;
properties: {
} | {
} | {
const pages: ({
_id: Id<"blocks">;
_creationTime: number;
parentBlockId?: Id<"blocks"> | undefined;
content?: Id<"blocks">[] | undefined;
type: "documentField";
updatedAt: number;
workspaceId: Id<...>;
properties: {
} | {
} | {
Am I doing something wrong or is this a limitation of Convex? How else should I best assert the type of pages?
Michal Srb
Michal Srb9mo ago
This is a limitation of Convex. You can Infer the TS type from the validator and then use it to assert the result:
const vPageWithPageBlocks = v.object({
type: v.literal("page"),
properties: pageBlockProperties,

type PageWithPageBlocks = Infer<typeof vPageWithPageBlocks>

const pages: PageWithPageBlocks[] = ....
const vPageWithPageBlocks = v.object({
type: v.literal("page"),
properties: pageBlockProperties,

type PageWithPageBlocks = Infer<typeof vPageWithPageBlocks>

const pages: PageWithPageBlocks[] = ....
David Alonso
David AlonsoOP9mo ago
Thanks @Michal Srb 🙂 your joint support has been great! unless I'm missing something, I'd need something like as PageWithPageBlocks[] at the end of the query. Otherwise TS complains due to a type conflict
Michal Srb
Michal Srb9mo ago
Sometimes TS lets you downcast via variable declaration, but when exactly I'm not sure. as is the way to go.
David Alonso
David AlonsoOP9mo ago
I just realized that when I go down this path I lose the luxury of accessing system fields, so something like pages[0]._id... any ideas? Specific example where this is an issue:
const recursiveRestore = async (blockId: Id<"blocks">) => {
const children = await context.db
.withIndex("by_parent_type", (q) => q.eq("parentBlockId", blockId).eq("type", "page"))
.collect() as PageBlock[];

for (const child of children) {
await context.db.patch(child._id, {
properties: {
isArchived: false,

await recursiveRestore(child._id);
const recursiveRestore = async (blockId: Id<"blocks">) => {
const children = await context.db
.withIndex("by_parent_type", (q) => q.eq("parentBlockId", blockId).eq("type", "page"))
.collect() as PageBlock[];

for (const child of children) {
await context.db.patch(child._id, {
properties: {
isArchived: false,

await recursiveRestore(child._id);
wondering if perhaps there's a way to hydrate types with system fields... This feels pretty hacky:
export type WithSystemFields<T, TableName extends TableNames> = T & {
_id: Id<TableName>;
_creationTime: number;

const children = await context.db
.withIndex("by_parent_type", (q) => q.eq("parentBlockId", blockId).eq("type", "page"))
.collect() as WithSystemFields<PageBlock, "blocks">[];
export type WithSystemFields<T, TableName extends TableNames> = T & {
_id: Id<TableName>;
_creationTime: number;

const children = await context.db
.withIndex("by_parent_type", (q) => q.eq("parentBlockId", blockId).eq("type", "page"))
.collect() as WithSystemFields<PageBlock, "blocks">[];
RJ9mo ago
How about casting as this instead?
Extract<Doc<"blocks">, { type: "page" }>[]
Extract<Doc<"blocks">, { type: "page" }>[]
David Alonso
David AlonsoOP9mo ago
nifty! didn't know this trick, thanks @RJ 🔥

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