Errors Using Queries in Client
Hello Support,
I am using the current query which fetches info about the currently logged user from the code snippet:
However, because the useQuery is a hook, i am using the "use client" at the top of the file and i am getting an async error just like in the picture attached.
If i extract the query to its own component, i still get an error.
How can i fix this please?
Thanks in advance.
Storing Users in the Convex Database | Convex Developer Hub
You might want to store user information directly in your Convex database, for
9 Replies
@Michal Srb @erquhart
Sharing the code that's causing the error would help. query is backend, useQuery is frontend. You can only use
in your convex directory, sounds like you're using it in a component.I am using useQuery actually.
Below is the code in the user.ts file in my convex directory:
export const current = query({
args: {},
handler: async (ctx) => {
return await getCurrentUser(ctx);
export async function getCurrentUser(ctx: QueryCtx) {
const identity = await ctx.auth.getUserIdentity();
if (identity === null) {
return null;
return await userByClerkId(ctx, identity.subject);
And i call it like so on the frontend:
const user = useQuery(api.users.current);
It might be something else in your client component/page.
The page renders fine without using the useQuery hook
hmm my only other guess would be to double check you are importing from convex/react.
import { useQuery } from 'convex/react'
I figured it out, thanks.
I simply had to check if the query wasn't undefined or null:
const userInvestment = useQuery(;
// Handle loading state by checking if userInvestment is undefined
if (userInvestment === undefined) {
return <div>Loading...</div>;
// Handle error state if necessary (assuming your function may throw an error)
if (userInvestment === null) {
return <div>Error: Unable to fetch investment details.</div>;
But i actually handled the error in the query function. I do not know why i have to handle the error again on the front end.
(I am not a pro developer, incase i sound stupid lol)
The convex query with error handling:
const userInvestment = await ctx.db
.withIndex("by_user", (q) => q.eq("user", userID._id))
if (!userInvestment) {
throw new ConvexError("Investment cannot be found for user!");
} else {
return userInvestment;
undefined/null values wouldn't cause that error, though. But glad you got it figured 👍
same thing i was wondering