se_kaan#111815510mo ago

Clerk Organization & Membership + Convex

I am trying to build an app with Clerk Organization and Convex. Now in the mutations I would like to have access to some custom claims setup in the Clerk Template. Looks like Convex only allows for standard claims specified in the OpenId protocol. Has anyone ever tried something similar? How do you check for organization membership and permissions in your mutations/queries? Using the following claims: { "aud": "convex", "name": "{{user.full_name}}", "email": "{{user.primary_email_address}}", "org_id": "{{}}", "org_role": "{{org.role}}", "org_permissions": "{{org_membership.permissions}}", "picture": "{{user.image_url}}", "nickname": "{{user.username}}", "given_name": "{{user.first_name}}", "updated_at": "{{user.updated_at}}", "family_name": "{{user.last_name}}", "phone_number": "{{user.primary_phone_number}}", "email_verified": "{{user.email_verified}}", "phone_number_verified": "{{user.phone_number_verified}}" }
3 Replies
erquhart10mo ago
Welcome! Latest team response on the custom claims question here:
se_kaan#1118155OP10mo ago
Hmm, that's a pity, looks like it's not in their roadmap. Not a very nice solution but definitely works for now. Thank you @erquhart really appreciate your quick turnaround and your help 🙏
Michal Srb
Michal Srb7mo ago
Custom claims are now supported with convex@1.14.0

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