hasanaktasTR10mo ago

Functions not listed in dashboard, Logs Missing

Hello. My functions do not appear in the dashboard. I can send requests from the client. env configs are correct. When I change something in the schema, it looks fine. It uploads its functions without any problems, but it does not appear on the panel. What could be the problem? I couldn't figure it out for an hour.
28 Replies
jamwt10mo ago
Hey there! First quick double check: are you sure you're on the right deployment? Specfically, sometimes people are looking at their project's production deployment instead of their development one
jamwt10mo ago
the selector at the top of the dashboard allows you to switch between projects, and between production and development:
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jamwt10mo ago
npx convex dev works with your own, personal development deployment not the team-wide production one
hasanaktasTROP10mo ago
Yes, I am in the correct distribution. Because there is no problem in changing my database schema. I'm getting it up and running with npx convex dev. I tried to log in again but it didn't work. It was working without any problems so far. I added and deleted some functions, but for a while I got an error. Now, even if I remove all the functions and add only a simple query, it does not appear on the panel. It looks like something went wrong but I can't see it in the logs. When I save anything, this is the only log I see in the convex directory. 02:04:38 Convex functions ready! (1.78s) ✔ 02:05:13 Convex functions ready! (2.33s) ✔ 02:08:11 Convex functions ready! (2.2s) ✔ 02:14:41 Convex functions ready! (1.69s) ✔ 02:14:57 Convex functions ready! (1.59s) ✔ 02:16:23 Convex functions ready! (1.71s) ✔ 02:16:52 Convex functions ready! (2.24s)
jamwt10mo ago
so, you see data in your tables, and you see successful calls in your logs, but you do not see any functions? (in the dashboard)
hasanaktasTROP10mo ago
Yes, you are right
hasanaktasTROP10mo ago
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jamwt10mo ago
do you mind showing the logs panel? as long as it's not a security issue? I want to verify this so we can jump in and see if there's a new bug here
hasanaktasTROP10mo ago
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jamwt10mo ago
ah so it looks like the functions indeed aren't deployed. it seems like the push at 01:43:37 removed the functions hmm. no major changes to config or to your paths of anything in the convex/ directory around then?
hasanaktasTROP10mo ago
No, convex.json was always like this. { "functions": "app/_convex/" } We are currently in development. Do you think the quickest solution would be to open a new project and move on there?
jamwt10mo ago
no, that shouldn't be necessary. let me do a little more digging and see if we can figure out what might have happened
hasanaktasTROP10mo ago
Thank you for your help. There was - in the name of a folder in convex. Then I got an error and then changed it to . I don't want to mislead you, but I guess it happened after that.
jamwt10mo ago
oh, so you changed it from "-" dash to "." dot? is that path inside your convex.json still accurate? or does that need to be updated as well? I see that one has a "_" underscore
hasanaktasTROP10mo ago
I changed it from no dash symbol to under dash symbol. - ==> _
hasanaktasTROP10mo ago
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jamwt10mo ago
gotcha. okay, so it's possible our system doesn't allow that prefix in your path name. just to debug, can you change it to a regular A-Z alphabetical first character for a minute and see if that resolves the issue for now? I want to check if that underscore is causing a problem somehow
hasanaktasTROP10mo ago
I fixed them all now. It didn't get better again. Afterwards, I deleted all my functions and left only the myFunctions.ts file. I added a simple query into it. But it still didn't appear in my panel.
hasanaktasTROP10mo ago
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jamwt10mo ago
so, that file tree still has the convex folder named "_convex", right? can you name it just "convex" temporarily?
hasanaktasTROP10mo ago
No, it didn't affect it again. It doesn't appear on the dashboard either. I removed my convex.json file. I put convex in the home directory and removed the underscore. These are the logs he gave.
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jamwt10mo ago
got it. so it's definitely reading your schema.ts file, but doesn't seem to be picking up any of your other functions
hasanaktasTROP10mo ago
Yes, but the interesting thing is that queries and mutations are running in my react client. They just don't appear on the panel.
jamwt10mo ago
very strange. I'm pinging the engineering team to try to get some ideas... and they're not appearing in the logs at all now?
hasanaktasTROP10mo ago
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jamwt10mo ago
I sent you a DM just to confirm some account information an update: from a bit of digging, this initially seems to be a dashboard bug, not a general sync bug. the functions are indeed syncing and callable, but the dashboard doesn't display them or the call logs. we'll update this thread when we have more okay, we have confirmed there is a bug in a platform release we rolled out this afternoon that affects the visibility of functions (the ability to enumerate them) and that is impacting the dashboard right now and is the cause of the issue noticed in this thread. this bug doesn't affect the correct running of any deployments, but it does affect visibility. we're working on getting a fix out right now @hasanaktasTR okay, thanks. if you push again (npm convex dev and make any function change), you should see everything back in your dashboard again if you don't please let us know!
hasanaktasTROP10mo ago
Yes, logs started to appear on the panel and functions are now visible. Is there anything I should pay attention to in order to avoid such a problem in the future?
jamwt10mo ago
No, this was a regression our team deployed this afternoon that affected some deployments who were actively developing. You didn’t do anything wrong. Thanks for the bug report!

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