Baris9mo ago

Duplicate function calls

Hi everyone!, we log all of our query functions to make sure everything works correctly. When refreshing the page, we see in the browser console that 9 useQuery calls are made and all of them are logged. However, when I look at the Convex dashboard logs, I see 22 function calls. Also, when checking the usage, it shows 22 calls have been used. Since this is an additional more than 100% usage, I wanted to ask you if this is normal behavior or related to caching?
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18 Replies
sshader9mo ago
Stab in the dark -- are you using React with strict mode (which effectively renders every component twice)?
BarisOP9mo ago
No, strict mode disabled for that reason
sshader9mo ago
Well this isn't expected behavior (useQuery should result in one function call until something changes requiring it to recompute). I did check with a very simple example app and I'm not getting the same behavior. Other stab in the dark -- any server rendering happening here with next? And in terms of debugging a little further, I'd try passing in + logging some random identifier from the client to confirm that the double calls are all coming from the same client
BarisOP9mo ago
Yes, some components are server components but I only make queries in client components. Other than that, I'm the only client using it so we can eliminate that possibility.
BarisOP9mo ago
I created an empty page to simplify things, and I put only one useQuery in it. And a new query without any filters just collect() from table. It appears once in the browser log and three times in the convex dashboard logs. Additionally, to prevent things that might arise from strict mode, I built and ran the production version. I will try again with a completely new project later.
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Michal Srb
Michal Srb9mo ago
Any chance you're getting multiple ConvexReactClients instatiated? What does your new ConvexReactClient code look like?
BarisOP9mo ago
@Michal Srb It's possible. Here's my ConvexReactClient code:
"use client";

import { ConvexReactClient } from "convex/react";
import { ClerkProvider, useAuth } from "@clerk/clerk-react";
import { ConvexProviderWithClerk } from "convex/react-clerk";

const convex = new ConvexReactClient(process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_CONVEX_URL);

export default function ConvexClientProvider({ children }) {
return (
<ClerkProvider publishableKey="pk_test_...">
<ConvexProviderWithClerk client={convex} useAuth={useAuth}>
"use client";

import { ConvexReactClient } from "convex/react";
import { ClerkProvider, useAuth } from "@clerk/clerk-react";
import { ConvexProviderWithClerk } from "convex/react-clerk";

const convex = new ConvexReactClient(process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_CONVEX_URL);

export default function ConvexClientProvider({ children }) {
return (
<ClerkProvider publishableKey="pk_test_...">
<ConvexProviderWithClerk client={convex} useAuth={useAuth}>
Michal Srb
Michal Srb9mo ago
Hmm, that looks standard I don't see any problem there. I would definitely kill the Next.js server and retry if you haven't yet. Can't trust that server for anything 😄 Also check the callsite of ConvexClientProvider, that it is not included multiple times somehow.
BarisOP9mo ago
@Michal Srb I don't know what to do. This is most likely related to me because I just ran npm create convex@latest and tried nextjs quickstarter without changing a single line of code. With React strict mode on, 3 queries were logged on convex logs, and when turned off, 2 were logged. But there is only 1 query on the page. I restarted my computer and everything 🤦‍♂️ Can somebody help me?
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jamwt9mo ago
just to get all details, which platform are you on?
BarisOP9mo ago
Latest version MacOS I'm on localhost and using VSCode
jamwt9mo ago
I didn't see any extraneous calls unfortunately, but maybe it would help to see what I did so we could understand what or if you did anything different
BarisOP9mo ago
Thanks for the video, Jamie. I think I found the issue. When I select authentication none like you did, the issue is resolved, but when I choose Clerk, it happens again. I tested it again to confirm.
Michal Srb
Michal Srb9mo ago
Ah! This is working as intended. The query gets called immediately on page load, and then again after authenticating. You can prevent this by wrapping your components in Authenticated, as described at the in step 9 of the Clerk setup guide:
Convex & Clerk | Convex Developer Hub
Clerk is an authentication platform providing login via
BarisOP9mo ago
Yes, correct. But in the nextjs quickstarter (with clerk), it's already wrapped inside <Authenticated> by default. Yet it sends 2 queries. Do you have a chance to check?
Michal Srb
Michal Srb9mo ago
The client immediately reauthenticates to ensure that the token it uses is a new one (and that way it knows when to refetch another one). But since the fields in the JWT don't change, the queries are cached.
BarisOP9mo ago
Okay, it's not an issue since it only occurs during page loads. I just wanted to make sure of that, thank you for your help.

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