What is the recommended way of syncing users with Clerk?
Hi guys! My current setup of doing this is to mostly use the UserIdentity object to retrive user data. But I also have some additional information alongside the info from UserIndentity about the users such as the Stripe Customer Id. So I listen for Clerk webhook events such as 'user.created', 'user.updated' and 'user.deleted' to reflect this for the Stripe Customers. So I basically just store the additional information in the db along with the Clerk user id. Is this the proper/recommended way of doing so? What is the recommended / best way of syncing users with Clerk?
1 Reply
As discussed in another thread, yes, and the docs are here:
Storing Users in the Convex Database | Convex Developer Hub
You might want to store user information directly in your Convex database, for