Pushing Generated PNG to Convex DB
Hi, so I have a png image that I want to push to my Convex DB, I am following this tutorial to do so: https://docs.convex.dev/file-storage/store-files. However, when importing the image to my .ts file trying to store in my by database with following code
import img from '../TodayImg.png'
const image = await img.blob();
const storageId: Id<"_storage"> = await ctx.storage.store(image)
(attatched code and error message)
I am getting a "No loader is configured for ".png" files" error. Does anyone know how I can fix this?6 Replies
if you have the png already, i would add it to convex storage directly through the dashboard ui https://dashboard.convex.dev/deployment/files . Uploading a png as part of the code pushed to convex (as you are trying to do) is not currently supported
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uploading the image using the dashboard ui isn't really going to work for me because the PNG image is an image that is generated by a python script which runs once per day and produces a different image each time. Is this really not possible though?
All I want is something that is similar to upload files button from https://uploadstuff.dev/getting-started/server-setup, but instead of asking the user to upload, upload straight from the code.
can you describe how this daily-generated png happens? what runs the python? Maybe you could use a python client to upload to convex whenever the image is generated https://pypi.org/project/convex/
Uploading it to a url is probably your best bet. If it’s really small you could just pass it as a parameter to an action
how do I pass it as a parameter to an action?
Yeah, so the python script runs on a linux ubuntu VM and it collects a pdf from a website. Then in the python program, it manipulate the pdf and spit out an image and some text, both of which I want to host on Convex so that I could pull from it for an Expo app I am working on. The text I have already gotten working on convex with mutations, but I have no idea how I would do the same for the photo.
So on Convex side, you can define an HTTP action to accept the file:
On the Python side, I'm not sure, but ChatGPT told me:
If that doesn't work Google more for "sending file from Python to an HTTP endpoint".
Uploading and Storing Files | Convex Developer Hub
Files can be uploaded by your users and stored in Convex.