Trying to run a convex app via cargo and getting following error:
$ cargo run -p local_backend --bin convex-local-backend
3 Replies
@utensil this looks like a Node.js 20 error, currently you need to use Node.js 18
There are docs somewhere about this, you want to use the Node.js version specified here
If you use nvm you can use "nvm use" to do this, or you can just manually install this Node.js version.
my node is 18.20.2 installed directly no nvm
trying now with 18.17.0
hmm, this fixes the problem
perhaps someone should update the acceptable node versions in the package file
Oh I didn't realize this was broken in later Node.js 18 releases too.
This is a bug we'll fix, unfortunately there's nowhere to update because in the package.hson the allowed node versions are for installing the package — this version requirement us only for developing it from the repo