Bitcrafter9mo ago

Introducing Bolt Boilerplate: Speed Up Your Convex+Next.js+Clerk Setup

Hey everyone! Last week, I discovered Convex and was amazed at how seamlessly it integrates with databases and handles state management, especially as a new developer. I noticed a lack of resources for building with Convex, Next.js, and Clerk, so I decided to compile everything I've learned into Bolt Boilerplate. Styled with Shadcn. It comes with full-stack CRUD functions with Authentication out of the box, making it a breeze for fellow developers to kickstart new projects. I hope it's helpful to you too! Try Bolt ⚡ : YouTube video tutorial for setting up the boilerplate in 3 minutes: P.S. I tried writing the code with best practices and as well-organized as possible, but I'm still learning and if you have any suggestions please feel free to share!
Bolt Boilerplate: Supercharge Your Next.js Projects
Accelerate your web development with Bolt Boilerplate: Next.js framework integrated with Convex for seamless interactions, Clerk for authentication, and Shadcn for stunning UI. Setup in minutes.
Fullstack CRUD Boilerplate: Next.js 14, React, Convex, Clerk, Tailw...
Get Bolt: Special thanks to @WebDevCody, @codewithantonio, and @vukrosic for their educational videos, which were instrumental in making this project possible.
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5 Replies
Wayne9mo ago
@Bitcrafter thanks for sharing! Can you share the GitHub repo link as well?
Grant Licata
Grant Licata9mo ago
GitHub - bitcraft3r/bolt-boilerplate-nextjs: Supercharge your Next....
Supercharge your Next.js projects with Bolt Boilerplate: Convex-powered real-time interactions, Clerk authentication, and Shadcn UI. Setup in minutes. - bitcraft3r/bolt-boilerplate-nextjs
BitcrafterOP9mo ago
Yep thanks @Grant Licata
Matt Luo
Matt Luo9mo ago
Thanks @Bitcrafter ! Good stuff. Helps the community get started with Clerk. Is the forAuthor query function actually used? I don't see any usage for it. I'm interested in it because I'd like to see how you are getting that pre-existing data. For example calling it inside a useEffect or some other approach
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BitcrafterOP9mo ago
bolt-boilerplate-nextjs/app/(crud)/[username]/user-posts.tsx at mai...
Supercharge your Next.js projects with Bolt Boilerplate: Convex-powered real-time interactions, Clerk authentication, and Shadcn UI. Setup in minutes. - bitcraft3r/bolt-boilerplate-nextjs

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