jamwt11mo ago

Building a client for a new language

@Tom might have some tips. he was the one who did the Python wrapper
30 Replies
ballingt11mo ago
Yeah @ramon your options are 1) wrapping the Rust client and learning how to build binaries for all the architectures you need, 2) limiting yourself to the HTTP API which is very simple to implement, if you can work with JSON and make HTTP calls you're basically set, or 3) reimplement the WebSocket protocol, which we'd appreciate if you did not do. If you can find a guide for compiling Rust to something exposed from GDScript it's not bad! Besides the building and linking which is different for each environment, you need to figure out a way to represent each Convex data type (or a subset if you like) in your language.
ramon11mo ago
I already have another library compiled to be used within gdscript, so I am acquainted with the process! And I really want the websocket functionality I guess my question is, I know I'm going to go the rust client wrapper route. I just want to know if there are "guidelines" on the functionality I should cover. I can start with the absolute minimum from there
ballingt11mo ago
@ramon oh got it, hm I think the Python API is reasonable One choice you cna make is to support marching through timestamps of every query currently subscribed (watch_all) or dealing with each subscription separately. I think that's all you really need: subscribe to queries, unsubscribe to them, do something when there's new data, and fire off mutations.
ramon11mo ago
In the python implementation, does the rust side handle updating values from the subscriptions or is that a python loop?
ballingt11mo ago
Here's that code more or less https://github.com/get-convex/convex-py/blob/de180ceec1a08ed78cb290f333a50c64ed5f47b6/python/convex/__init__.py#L208-L214 In Python you write your own loop generally to loop over responses and if you want that to happen concurrently with other things you stick it on a thread yourself
ramon11mo ago
Thanks! In the python implementation, why do you reassign the result (result[k] = result[k]):
def __next__(self) -> Optional[Dict[SubscriberId, ConvexValue]]:
result = self.safe_inner_sub().next()
if not result:
return result
for k in result:
result[k] = result[k]
return result
def __next__(self) -> Optional[Dict[SubscriberId, ConvexValue]]:
result = self.safe_inner_sub().next()
if not result:
return result
for k in result:
result[k] = result[k]
return result
this is in https://github.com/get-convex/convex-py/blob/de180ceec1a08ed78cb290f333a50c64ed5f47b6/python/convex/__init__.py#L162 @Tom , I am going over the Python implementation, and the Rust client. In the Rust implementation of QuerySubscription, next hangs until it gets a new message, right? anext implements an async version of it that can be awaited. Is await the only way to fetch this? Is there another method that just checks if there is an item available and returns none otherwise?
ballingt11mo ago
On the Rust or the Python side? The Python side just implements blocking APIs because that's what seemed natural — but if you want to check for results / poll, on the Rust side I think there are some options?
ballingt11mo ago
It looks like with the high-level async Rust client you do need to await in Rust, but you could build a queue on that side, or a one-slot buffer
ramon11mo ago
Would that be via poll_next instead of next? I'm trying to understand how this works
ballingt11mo ago
Yeah that's a way you could do it What's the interface you'd like, maybe we can suggest something. Nipunn who wrote this will be back next week but lots of Rust folks here might have ideas.
ramon11mo ago
Well, I want to use it within the godot game engine, through gdscript Godot makes update calls to every object every frame, so I think the most natural way would be for me to have a function that checks if there is something available for the subscription, and return it if so, or none if there is none
ballingt11mo ago
I think poll_next does more than you want
ramon11mo ago
looking at library that makes it easy to build rust bindings for godot, async calls are not supported yet I could implement all the async plumbing, but then that's a huge detour from what I actually want and may end up just sides stepping convex for now
ballingt11mo ago
There are two levels of Rust client, the main one which uses Tokio and wires up the WebSocket, and the base client that has the state machine but you're responsible for building a WebSocket and passing messages over it
ballingt11mo ago
convex::base_client - Rust
The synchronous state machine for Convex. It’s recommended to use the higher level ConvexClient unless you are building a framework.
ramon11mo ago
yeap, I would like to use the Tokio version if possible
ballingt11mo ago
got it, yeah then sounds like you need the async support
ramon11mo ago
hmmm alright so the options are async support or build the websocket/messaging infra let me check what it takes to get async working on godot
ballingt11mo ago
if youv'e got a godot WebSocket the sync thing might not be hard to wire up by integrating it into the gameloop
ramon11mo ago
what do you mean? as in, if godot already implements a websocket, then async should be relatively easy to implement?
ballingt11mo ago
I mean you don't need async if you use the base client, it's just the state machine. You pass it messages you recieve from teh websocket and it gives you messages it'd like you to send, all sync
ramon11mo ago
oh gotcha
ballingt11mo ago
you already said roughly this so I might be repeating
ramon11mo ago
so you are saying I could use Godot's websocket
ballingt11mo ago
ramon10mo ago
ok that's an option thanks! ohhhhhh I think I get it, so base client is literally just handling "convex specific state machine part". I have to do a higher level wrapper that at each frame looping over all incoming messages, passing them to the base client via receive_message to update the convex state in other words, the base client does the translation parts for how to handle the incoming and outgoing messages, but looping over the messages themselves and sending them is up to me I think I have already something like this set up with my rudimentary websocket system, so this should work continuiing my path here! I need to send the messages of type ClientMessage to the backend myself, but I assume these get serialized in one way or another before being sent through the websocket in all the different clients, right?
ramon10mo ago
If so, what is the serialization that you normally use? I want to avoid having to convert these [1] messages into their correponding Godot types if I can avoid it. [1] https://docs.rs/convex_sync_types/0.6.0/convex_sync_types/types/enum.ClientMessage.html
ClientMessage in convex_sync_types::types - Rust
API documentation for the Rust ClientMessage enum in crate convex_sync_types.
ramon10mo ago
// Send an initial connect message on the new websocket
let session_id = Uuid::new_v4();
let message = ClientMessage::Connect {
session_id: SessionId::new(session_id),
let msg = Message::Text(
// Send an initial connect message on the new websocket
let session_id = Uuid::new_v4();
let message = ClientMessage::Connect {
session_id: SessionId::new(session_id),
let msg = Message::Text(
I found this in the codebase, this implies the messages get serialized as json and then sent as text, right?

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