Data | Dev | agi-town-dev | Convex Dashb...
Hey Convex! Just a small UI bug to share with you all. In the
dashboard, the ...
button that shows on record hover becomes unclickable if you have a field selected. Didn't dig too far, but my guess is some z-indexing. Here's a short video to demonstrate ( Chrome version is Version 122.0.6261.94 (Official Build) (arm64)
3 Replies
Thanks for the heads up! I'll take a look at this. BTW, you can open up that menu faster by right-clicking anywhere while hovering that row in the table, and it will even give you some more quick-actions if you're hovering a cell 🙂
We're still deciding if we'll remove the
button at some point since the right-click menu is easier to access, but less discoverableI was today years old when I learned that Convex has a right click. 😂
🗣️ convex has a right click
there's a balance between making it more obvious and not being annoying with training that is still not perfected there!
Fix is out and we added a hint about the context menu 🙂 Thanks @Foxxy