Loading state for mutations
Hey, I am using 'loading state' with useQuery in my nextjs app (when its undefined) and it works fine. Is there any way to do something similar with mutations? For example if I am creating an element, while the mutation (loading) I will show a spinner or smth
8 Replies
The mutation returns a promise, so you typically use that to set a state variable for loading.
Okey perfect, thanks
And what do you think about combining it with a library like react query? which handles loading and error states? @erquhart
I know someone was doing that recently somewhere here, trying to find it
In my opinion, though, because Convex handles your server state so well already, I'd personally make a thin hook around
to just provide the loading/error state. I also like the react query API and generally have my convex functions return the same sort of object (data, error). Between those two you would probably have everything you need without introducing an entire additional caching layer (which is what react query is).Yes, thats true, no reason to have another caching layer. So what you do is to create a wrapper custom hook that returns the loading and error state?
Yeah, it's simple enough to do
Similar-ish conversation here: https://discord.com/channels/1019350475847499849/1214799510249939044/1214806468641947648
Okey, I'll give it a look now
Thanks for the opinion
I'll come back when I implement it 😄
There's a link to wrapper examples near the end of that other thread
might be a good example to checkout: https://github.com/get-convex/convex-helpers/blob/d0ad873079edc9d87b060b74a3a50bbfb0c49502/packages/convex-helpers/react/sessions.ts#L113-L132GitHub
convex-helpers/packages/convex-helpers/react/sessions.ts at d0ad873...
A collection of useful code to complement the official packages. - get-convex/convex-helpers