Issue with filtering out nulls from a promise.all mapping over some document ids
Tried quite a few different methods of filtering out the nulls from this promise.all. Unsure if this approach is just generally not the way to go about it?
Am i on the wrong track here
6 Replies
Hmm, this type guard seems to do the trick, still open for other potentially better solutions if anyone else has played around with this themselves:
Just filter the whole array after mapping. You can also enrich in the initial mapping to pair things down:
Wrapping the awaited Promise.all in parens allows us to filter directly on the resulting array.
as a filter just drops everyting that isn't truthy.Actually i had tried the .filter(Boolean) at first, but you've just made me realise what was missing. The freaking async and await inside of the map
I had tried that before, storing it in a const and then checking if video, but my lack of making it async, still caused the null, so i moved onto trying a different solution 😆
It all makes sense now - thanks mate
Ended up adding a type predicate, so only valid videos are getting returned:
Were you still getting nulls or was it an issue with the enrich function
Getting undefined was the issue. From what i could tell, the map just returned undefined if video was false
And i wanted to make sure i got back neither undefined videos or null. But only valid videos
Even though the type guard works perfectly fine. Cant help but to think whether I’m just completely misunderstanding something here.
Yeah the code I shared can only produce a videos array of truthy values, so null and undefined both would be filtered out. Did the undefined results start after a change?
The type guard you’re using is functionally just a filter to specifically filter out null and undefined, which is a subset of what a Boolean filter will do.