Web Dev Cody
Web Dev Cody12mo ago

Any way to debug why saving a file takes 30-40 seconds for redeploy?

Currently any convex file I save for my project takes about 30-40 seconds to redeploy. I am using --typecheck=disable when I run convex dev. Any other ways I could maybe debug this slow down?
10 Replies
erquhart12mo ago
I think it's redeploying everything every time, regardless of the nature of the change, but I may be wrong on that.
lee12mo ago
yes it is. @ballingt is working on making this pushes more efficient
Web Dev Cody
Web Dev CodyOP12mo ago
jamwt12mo ago
@Web Dev Cody since you already tried a local backend earlier, any chance you could try the OSS backend and see what the comparable times are? but yeah, Tom is working hard to speed up pushes in general. we know they're getting problematic for people with nontrivial projects it's a top priority
Web Dev Cody
Web Dev CodyOP12mo ago
yeah I was meaning to try that, I just haven't had a chance; I use the convex dashboard too much I would miss it using the OSS backend
jamwt12mo ago
I know. we'd like to figure out how to get the dashboard working with the local backend, but it ends up being a really hard problem. will take awhile to sort out I'm in the same boat. biggest reason I wouldn't do dev with the oss backend yet is I really need that dashboard lol
Web Dev Cody
Web Dev CodyOP12mo ago
😆 I also looked at my convex-backend folder size and it's 17gb I think it said if I read that correctly so that could be a deal breaker for some (I'm on an m1 air with 128gb, which I regret)
jamwt12mo ago
oh yeah, that's rust build so a little preview in the future, we'll probably have a tool like npx convex dev --local or something and it will pull a pre-built version of the oss binary for your platform so that you don't have to build, and don't have to generate 17GB of intermediate build files 😛
Web Dev Cody
Web Dev CodyOP12mo ago
yeah that would be awesome - I'll allocate some time to run the convex-backend locally and try to point my project to it if uploads become instant, that would be sick
jamwt12mo ago
cool. yeah, would love to hear how the comparable looks it will require we start doing things much more incrementally, which probably means moving bundling onto the server and sending up individual files or something. we're investigating it, but this is important enough we want to make this unbelievably great

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