QueryCorner: An AI powered platform to accelerate your workflow
Live link -> https://query-corner-one.vercel.app/
Github -> https://github.com/Sankalpsp21/query-corner
I used Convex to build a generative AI prompt-sharing / social platform where people can share their prompts and templates. Key features include:
1. Vector search to rank prompts by semantic similarity
2. Pagination to enhance site responsiveness
3. Option to like/save a prompt and copy it directly to ChatGPT
We're currently working on a search history feature
Huge shoutout to @erquhart and @sshader for assisting in getting the vector search results to be reactive and @Lee for the tips on complex tag filtering
Take a look and leave any suggestions below!
Query Corner
Generated by create next app
GitHub - Sankalpsp21/query-corner: Tailor-made Generative AI prompt...
Tailor-made Generative AI prompts that you can use to accelerate your workflow. Accessible. Customizable. Free. - Sankalpsp21/query-corner
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