I made ChatGPT Clone tutorial
👋 Hey there! I made a 5-hour ChatGPT clone tutorial.
Video: https://youtu.be/_Aeu7BcMoeY
🚀 Tech Stack: NextJS, React, Convex, Typescript, Tailwind CSS, ShadCN
📱 ChatGPT Infrastructure
🔒 Authentication
📋 Message History
📡 Real-time Updates
👥 Subscriptions
📊 Read / Seen Receipts
🚀 Performance Optimization
🗄️ Data Storage
🛠️ Error Handling
4 Replies
@Vuk Rosić Hi, thank you for building on Convex. If it's available, could you please provide the GitHub repository link for this app? Thanks!
Hello, I mistakenly set the wrong link in the description of the video, I updated it to the correct one - https://github.com/vukrosic/nextjs14-chatgpt
@Vuk Rosić thanks for the update.