Will it ever be possible to use convex as a rest api. Right now it seems like convex can only really be used with its drivers but what if i wanted to use it in flutter or in a java program? Would that be possible?
8 Replies
Yeah! You can expose a rest api with HTTP actions.
HTTP Actions | Convex Developer Hub
HTTP actions allow you to build an HTTP API right in Convex!
Python | Convex Developer Hub
See the Python Quickstart and the
could i use convex from other languages over http or is it not possible atm?
If you set up a rest api with HTTP actions, it's a literal rest api accessible via http - you can hit it with curl if you like.
okay thanks
This isn't super well documented but you can technically call your Convex functions directly over http:
Convex HTTP API | Convex Developer Hub
Connecting to Convex directly with HTTP
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