Why change in convex url
I wanted to ask while we use the ".cloud" URL in the .env file ie.
NEXT_PUBLIC_CONVEX_URL = https://qualified-pelican-434.convex.cloud
But for HTTP action we use ".site"
So when the application is deployed does the URL have to be changed manually ?
and when the application is deployed to vercel will it automatically change to production or do we have to do it?
2 Replies
Every deployment of yours has two domains
and x-y-123.convex.site
.cloud is the RPC service. this is owned by "convex", our team and platform
on this domain lives our websocket protocol, our own HTTP api to call your functions, etc. we have different routes registered on this to service your project
is your namespace. completely clean and empty, except for any http endpoints you explicitly register on it, cookies you set, etc
this prevents any problems with cookies, or route collisions, etc. .site
is a route map and HTTP service 100% owned by you
another shorthand way to think about it is . cloud
is the database's API, and .site
is your APIThank you now I can creat the mental modal around it .