wjarjouiβ€’13mo ago

I didn't see this configuration, so I

I didn't see this configuration, so I assume Convex does not currently support it, but would be great if I could configure custom domains that I own to point to production and dev envs, would cut out one more dependency from my stack πŸ™
26 Replies
wjarjouiOPβ€’13mo ago
if there's a stack or recommended way to do this in the interim, please share.
Comβ€’13mo ago
There’s a stake to configure You just have to follow the correct procedure There are ways to configure without dependency on your stack
wjarjouiOPβ€’13mo ago
Are you referring to configuring DNS?
Comβ€’13mo ago
Of course
wjarjouiOPβ€’13mo ago
Yeah issue is I'm not sure the TLS certifiates would exactly work, so Convex would have to support adding alt names to the certs being shared, or, I'd have to use a DNS tool that terminates TLS and then connects to convex Ideally, Convex can slap a custom domain as an altname on the certificate being generated, once I prove I own the domain, and a simple CNAME in my DNS would then indeed do the trick
Comβ€’13mo ago
Have you tried that out?
wjarjouiOPβ€’13mo ago
Let's see what the convex team has to say about this before I go and play with the DNS config Pretty sure simply pointing a CNAME would not work..
Comβ€’13mo ago
Or you can get to hear from the support as well No pointing a CNAME won’t work out
ballingtβ€’13mo ago
configure custom domains that I own to point to production and dev envs, would cut out one more dependency from my stack
There's no way to do this I've figured out, we need to let you prove to us you own a domain and then direct traffic for you. (no way until we implement this feature)
wjarjouiOPβ€’13mo ago
makes sense. If you have a short how-to in the meantime, that would help. I'm worried I have to switch to Cloudflare to handle the TLS termination properly.
ianβ€’13mo ago
Is this to serve html via http actions & Hono or something? Or what's the motivation for changing the URL to the backend otherwise, other than aesthetics of the client config?
wjarjouiOPβ€’13mo ago
I have http actions that I want to expose to API clients/consumers as api.domain.com vs a convex site domain
ianβ€’13mo ago
That makes total sense
wjarjouiOPβ€’13mo ago
only issue is the only tool I know that offers an easy solution to this is cloudflare with their TLS decryption, so I wanted to see if anyone else dealt with this differently A really awkward way of doing it I guess is configuring nextjs endpoints that passthrough to convex... the nextjs endpoints already get the custom domain & TLS from vercel, but I think that would be worse given the redundant code to maintain
jamwtβ€’13mo ago
@wjarjoui this is on our list, yeah -- domain aliases for like API servicves not implemented yet
wjarjouiOPβ€’13mo ago
understood - any insights on solutions/workarounds in the meantime besides cloudflare? curious if there's an ETA btw, maybe if it's soon I can leave things as is until then
adamβ€’13mo ago
I'm also thinking the same thing. I can wait a couple of weeks if it's on the roadmap soon?
jamwtβ€’13mo ago
@Indy ^ FYI
Indyβ€’13mo ago
Thanks folks! It's on the big backlog, not actively prioritized yet. But two votes in a span of a couple weeks are pretty compelling to get this on an active list soon. Unfortunately it won't be a couple of weeks. You'll have to use cloudflare for now.
adamβ€’13mo ago
Thanks for info Indy. Do you know if it is expected to work using Cloudflare? I have a Cloudflare CNAME pointing to my convex URL, eg mysite-for-example.convex.site but it just returns 404s for all routes (even though they exist and work using the convex url). Also to note, when I check Convex logs, it doesn't show any 404 logged (but it does when using mysite-for-example.convex.site). This make me think that the host name (ie mysite-for-example.convex.site) is actually being used to route the request within convex to my account?
gautamgβ€’13mo ago
Ah, you're totally right β€”Β I gave Indy the wrong answer when he asked about using Cloudflare earlier πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ We do indeed use the incoming hostname to route the request, so this doesn't work out of the box. I'll think more about what workarounds we can give you until we have full support for this feature, but off the top of my head, @wjarjoui's earlier suggestion of using a nextjs passthrough sounds the most promising as Vercel will proxy the request for you and give you TLS. However, I haven't validated that nextjs correctly handles websocket traffic β€” might require a bit more manual request handling if so. I'll dig around on this
adamβ€’13mo ago
Ok, thanks
wjarjouiOPβ€’13mo ago
@adam I'm curious do you have cloudflare configured as DNS only or as a proxy?
gautamgβ€’13mo ago
looked a bit more into this -- looks like Cloudflare can actually rewrite the host header + SNI value with origin rules. this should actually just work then -- I can test tomorrow
wjarjouiOPβ€’13mo ago
Yes that was what I was thinking, but pretty sure it would have to be in proxy mode Which I think has to be the case anyway for proper TLS termination to take place...
gautamgβ€’13mo ago
ugh, looks like the required "override host header" feature isn't included on free plans 😦

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