Prod vs dev env in Usage dashboard
First of all, great work on the usage dashboard - amazing!
It’s unclear to me though if the stats there are for dev + prod (my assumption is the answer is yes). Can you clarify?
Also are there plans to have filters for usage between the two for a project?
(Right now I’m still in early testing of my project so I suspect my dev env is using the lion share of resources but it would be nice to confirm)
3 Replies
hi! which view are you referring to? the tables i see have a column for "Prod"/"Dev"
Hey @nemophrost, outside of the "Functions breakdown by project" all statistics are sums of both dev and prod deployments.
Hopefully the "Functions breakdown by project" gives you the visiblity to understand where your usage is coming from (which project, dev or prod, which function). If not let us know 🙏
Glad you like it!
Oh perfect, I didn’t see the drop down on the right to switch to bandwidth. Thanks!