Nika14mo ago

Cron jobs running from Preview Deployments

I've added a new cron job in my convex, but now it seems like every time I make changes to the convex, the cron jobs from preview deployments are still running, because the cron job function notifies messages in Slack, and I'm getting 5 messages with only one with up-to-date message (meaning other 4 messages are from preview deployments)
5 Replies
sshader14mo ago
Yep crons run on preview deployments (with whatever code was pushed to that preview deployment). If there are crons you don't want to run from preview deployments, I'd suggest using an environment variable that has a different value in your prod deployment vs. preview deployments and gating on that within the cron to either no-op or do something different (e.g. post slack messages to a different channel to filter out the ones from preview deployments). Would that work for your use case?
NikaOP14mo ago
Does convex have an environmental variable by default, that tells which environment you are in? (prod, dev, preview) I'm thinking of the simplest way to implement that change. I don't want to change env variable each time the new preview deployment environment pops up.
Michal Srb
Michal Srb14mo ago
Does convex have an environmental variable by default, that tells which environment you are in? (prod, dev, preview)
We have considered adding this, but alas we don't have this atm. It should be easy to set up: process.env.RUN_CRONS Only set RUN_CRONS on your production and dev deployments.
ian14mo ago
In case you didn't see it, you can set project-level default env variables, so they're set automatically when a preview deploy is created: You could set RUN_CRONS to "off" there as Michal suggests. Note that setting it to false will result in "false" since env variables are strings
Environment Variables | Convex Developer Hub
Store and access environment variables in Convex
NikaOP14mo ago
That will work. Thanks!

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