Intermittent AxiosError during dev deployment
Not a showstopper, as it hasn't failed to resolve so far, but seeing this pretty often when running
npx convex dev
, and during development:
5 Replies
Thanks for filing. Filed internally. Let us know if this becomes a showstopper or even close to super painful.
Thank you, will do
The url
seems wrong - like there's a template not filled in? Is that the message you got directly? Did you redact the deploy url yourself?
If you have a deployment URL that you've run into this with, that would be helpful - we could try and take a look at specifics.Oh yeah I just swap out identifiers in my code blocks here
I'll dm it to you
Waits are getting longer, just had an 8s pause before retry followed by a 24s pause before retry while running the dev server
Still not a showstopper, but non-zero impact
This is happening quite a bit now, took over a minute to get convex dev to run.
cc/ @Indy @nipunn
(not asking for an immediate response, just mentioning so it's on your radar)
Yep thanks for raising again. I am raising the priority internally.