During a study session, a friend brought up the idea of dorm rooms versus prison cells, and asked if we ever took the quiz, so we searched for it online and it seemed pretty bare-bones, so I decided I'd have a go at making one myself.
Built with
- Next.js
- Tailwind
- Convex
- Zustand
- shadcn
- Framer Motion
I used Convex as image storage for the dorms and prison cell pictures, and query functions to retrieve the name and correct answer for each image. I tried to make the quiz as frictionless as possible so there's no auth implemented or anything like that.
This was also the first time I worked with dynamic OG images using vercel/og, so whenever you share your score at the end of the quiz or copy the link at the scoreboard page, a dynamic OG image will be generated showcasing your accuracy!
9 Replies
Haha that's a fun one. Enjoyed trying it out, and was harder than i expected. Good job!
how are some dorm cells better than my apartment? ðŸ˜
wow TIL some of the prisons in norway and denmark are pretty swanky
im planning to commit crime in norway so i can bootstrap my startup at their prisons 🙂
@Lab this is super polished, well done! The social card with correct_answers isn't working for me. If I remove the count, it's kinda broken too (but seems to be what's desired)
@Lab Nice
Gave it a go, I love the results page!
Yin yang, so 50/50 ( 5 correct )
found a bug!
if you have 10/10, you still have 75% accuracy!