jamwt13mo ago

Wrapping up the year at Convex

🎉 🎆 Happy New Year, @everyone ! 🎇 🥳 We wanted to share some thoughts about 2023, and preview what we're going to focus on in 2024. Convex is growing as a company and a platform, and that means we need to constantly reexamine our users' needs and our priorities. As things evolve, we're committed to staying really open with you all about how (we think 😁) we got here and what we're doing next. In particular, we're so grateful for all of you in our early user community. We've learned so much from everyone over the last year, and that really has inspired us to keep our standards high and work really hard to make Convex a great project. Thank you. We're intending to do a lot more events and in-person stuff in 2024 so we have a chance to meet more of you. Stay tuned, @Wayne has a lot of plans brewing! As usual, @james will report back early in 2024 to share our next detailed 6-week roadmap. But for now, here's a zoomed out, contemplative view as we get ready to toast this evening with family and friends: https://news.convex.dev/what-a-2023/ :convexspin:
Convex News
Wrapping up the year at Convex
This past year has been a transformative time for us at Convex. So, as we wrap up the holidays, we wanted to share some reflections on our 2023 and outline the big themes we expect to invest in throughout 2024. Growing the Convex product A year ago, the Convex backend
10 Replies
jamwtOP13mo ago
Feel free to fire away with any questions about 2024 priorities!
Intelligent Fig
Intelligent Fig13mo ago
fire away with any questions about 2024 priorities
Personally, I think prioritising the below 3 will boost Convex customer base in 2024: - Adding your own authorisation system to manage users (eg. similar to other BaaS, such as Supabase, Appwrite) - Improving the docs (i.e., more details and example code snippets to the API reference section) - Influencer tie-ups, especially youtubers such as Theo &Fireship, and some open-source SaaS boilerplates made with Convex.
jamwtOP13mo ago
Great feedback, thanks!
Adding your own authorisation system to manage users (eg. similar to other BaaS, such as Supabase, Appwrite)
yep, we've talked about this for a long time. there's a very good chance we ship this as a component sometime in H1 2024
Improving the docs (i.e., more details and example code snippets to the API reference section)
Interesting. Do you have a link to a project you think does a good job with these kinds of examples so we have a good reference to learn from?
Influencer tie-ups, especially youtubers such as Theo &Fireship, and some open-source SaaS boilerplates made with Convex.
In 2023, we worked with Jason (https://www.learnwithjason.dev/), Cody (https://www.youtube.com/@WebDevCody), Jack (https://www.jackherrington.com/), and Antonio (https://www.codewithantonio.com/). We have more collaborations lined up in 2024, so we'll definitely continue to do this kind of work with content creators.
Intelligent Fig
Intelligent Fig13mo ago
Thanks for your reply!
Interesting. Do you have a link to a project you think does a good job with these kinds of examples so we have a good reference to learn from?
I think, Prisma ORM documentation is well written. Here is one example: https://www.prisma.io/docs/orm/reference/prisma-client-reference#findunique https://docs.convex.dev/api/interfaces/server.Query#unique
jamwtOP13mo ago
thanks! yeah, we keep hearing from people that prisma's docs are great
Pietro13mo ago
I love many things of convex but the main existential questions (as in, make me reconsider the choice) for me: 1. lack of referential integrity (e.g. cascade deletes, check ID on update of arrays) and 1.1. basic joins (a la prisma include references when fetching)
2. native RLS specifically geared for multi-tenant apps. 2.1 Native Clerk user/org sync would be very good. 3. Sync to Relational DB (snowflake/pg) should not require third-party software (fivetran/airbyte), you should just replicate to Snowlfake/Neon/etc directly and share with user provided account - desintermediate them. 4. multi-repo support (the pattern of many apps being able to use convex as a backend directly without owning the schema is just nice, like Headless CMSes) 5. Bonus points for "SQL mode" even if just for reading.
jamwtOP13mo ago
good feedback! (1-3) will be definitely be targets of the component system
Pietro13mo ago
6. Api for Introspecting the data model would be awesome too (was discussed previously on a thread elsewhere). for usecases where you want to dynamically generate crud screens.
winsoroaks13mo ago
good points, pietro! i agree 1-3 are more important as a user 🙂 im also interested in writing unit tests more easily, sth like test containers - i brought it up earlier and was told it's in the roadmap 😅
jamwtOP13mo ago
hiya. an open source development backend is on the roadmap (and being worked on currently, see https://discord.com/channels/1019350475847499849/1019372556693815418/1169349065872519258); is that what you mean by test containers?
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