shadow_aya15mo ago

"'internal' authentication" for a HTTP client

Personally, almost all of my Convex functions are meant to be used backend-to-db (might be questionable design but let's forget that for a minute). In finding and realizing that, in theory, anyone can call my session & rate limiting functions, I first panicked, and then came with an acceptable solution. ConvexHttpClientAsServer
type OmitDbToken<T extends FunctionReference<any>> = Omit<T, '_args'> & { _args: Omit<T['_args'], 'dbToken'> };
type HasDbToken<Fn extends FunctionReference<any>, T> = 'dbToken' extends keyof Fn['_args'] ? T : never;

class ConvexHttpClientAsServer extends ConvexHttpClient {
constructor(url: string) {

public serverMutation<Mutation extends FunctionReference<"mutation">>(
ctx: Mutation,
...args: HasDbToken<Mutation, OptionalRestArgs<OmitDbToken<Mutation>>>
) {
return super.mutation(
Object.assign({}, { dbToken: process.env.CONVEX_DB_TOKEN! }, ...args)

public serverQuery<Query extends FunctionReference<"query">>(
ctx: Query,
...args: HasDbToken<Query, OptionalRestArgs<OmitDbToken<Query>>>
) {
return super.query(
Object.assign({}, { dbToken: process.env.CONVEX_DB_TOKEN! }, ...args)

// the rest (like actions) isn't implemented cause I don't use em yet
// but it's all pretty similar, just gotta copypaste


export const convex = new ConvexHttpClientAsServer(process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_CONVEX_URL!);
type OmitDbToken<T extends FunctionReference<any>> = Omit<T, '_args'> & { _args: Omit<T['_args'], 'dbToken'> };
type HasDbToken<Fn extends FunctionReference<any>, T> = 'dbToken' extends keyof Fn['_args'] ? T : never;

class ConvexHttpClientAsServer extends ConvexHttpClient {
constructor(url: string) {

public serverMutation<Mutation extends FunctionReference<"mutation">>(
ctx: Mutation,
...args: HasDbToken<Mutation, OptionalRestArgs<OmitDbToken<Mutation>>>
) {
return super.mutation(
Object.assign({}, { dbToken: process.env.CONVEX_DB_TOKEN! }, ...args)

public serverQuery<Query extends FunctionReference<"query">>(
ctx: Query,
...args: HasDbToken<Query, OptionalRestArgs<OmitDbToken<Query>>>
) {
return super.query(
Object.assign({}, { dbToken: process.env.CONVEX_DB_TOKEN! }, ...args)

// the rest (like actions) isn't implemented cause I don't use em yet
// but it's all pretty similar, just gotta copypaste


export const convex = new ConvexHttpClientAsServer(process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_CONVEX_URL!);
for context DB_TOKEN on Convex matches CONVEX_DB_TOKEN on server usage
convex.serverQuery(api.siteSessions.findBySid, {sid: sid})
convex.serverQuery(api.siteSessions.findBySid, {sid: sid})
findBySid method
export const findBySid = query({
args: {
dbToken: v.string(),
sid: v.string(),
async handler(ctx, { dbToken, ...args }) {
if (process.env.DB_TOKEN !== dbToken) throw new Error(); // reject request

// ...

export const findBySid = query({
args: {
dbToken: v.string(),
sid: v.string(),
async handler(ctx, { dbToken, ...args }) {
if (process.env.DB_TOKEN !== dbToken) throw new Error(); // reject request

// ...

this is kind of a madness but it works - no need to dotenv anywhere else, and it's still typesafe. note: to validate the function's arguments - in case 'dbToken' doesn't exist, args will be never So yeah, if anyone wants to use this, you may :HuTaoThumbsUp:
2 Replies
Michal Srb
Michal Srb15mo ago
Yup, validating a fixed token is the simplest kind of authentication, and it works as long as you never reveal the token. Nicely done!
ian15mo ago
Thank you!

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