I'm getting this error in the console when I try to sign in with Clerk
Failed to authenticate: "No auth provider found matching the given token", check your server auth config
I have successfully added all the env variables to the convex dashboard such as the issuer domain and I am able to get the user to sign but im still getting this error and when I try to checkuseridentity in a mutation I'm getting null
4 Replies
Hey @Michal Srb, this is what I have in that file
export default {
providers: [
domain: process.env.CLERK_JWT_ISSUER_DOMAIN,
applicationID: "convex",
Also useConvexAuth is returning false
Also the framework I'm using is nextjs 13I'm getting this same issue, and I'm pasting the key inline so there's no .env problems
has to be js, can't be ts. A warning or error in the console would be really helpful here.Supporting .ts is in the plans, sorry about the papercut @erquhart