emojinx — emoji-themed multiplayer matching game
it's a fun and easy-to-set-up game to play with friends and co-workers! thank you Convex for such an incredible library that made the process of building this delightful and incredibly straightforward forward 🙂
live: http://emojinx.lucasfaria.dev/
code: https://github.com/lucasheriques/emojinx
demo: https://www.loom.com/share/e7dee280db8d4c1788312de7b4a24337?sid=b78564c0-08f7-4bf6-adf9-99008843e23f
4 Replies
I just played - fun! At first I couldn’t join a game but after making my own I realized the games on the homepage had already started. One suggestion: if everyone has left an in-progress game / isn’t there anymore, maybe move the game out of in-progress?
thanks for the suggestion, I like it! will try to implement later today, and maybe add a CTA to the game room if you're spectating, prompting to create a room
For those who haven't seen what it looks like. If you make this part of your first post, I bet it'll show up in the gallery
I tried! however I can't seem to add images to the post unfortunately 😢 only change the text