mikeyseeβ€’2y ago

Chatter Craft

What does the future of drawing look like in an AI future? This is what I wanted to explore for my entry for the WebDevDody hackathon (https://hackathon.webdevcody.com/). Video of it is here: https://youtu.be/XZ2iCEcW_io App is here: https://chatter-craft.netlify.app/ Source is here: https://github.com/mikecann/chatter-craft Massive thanks to Convex, still blows my mind that I am able to create something like this in less than a day πŸ˜„
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19 Replies
ianβ€’2y ago
Very fun! Did you ask gpt to generate raw svg or did you give it a function to call of some sort? Any issues with invalid svg / syntax hallucinations?
mikeyseeOPβ€’2y ago
@ian thanks πŸ™‚ I give it the current "state" of the SVG document and some past commands and ask it to return a new SVG document. Here is the prompt if you are curious: You are going to help me edit an existing SVG document. Here is the existing document:\n\n${svgDocument}\n\nThe edit I would like you to make is: "${command.action.transcodedCommandText}"\n\nFor added context here are the 5 most recent prompts I used to edit the document from most recent to least recent:\n\n${reccentCommandsStr}\n\nDo not verify with me first or ask for any additional information or questions, simply do the edit, nothing more. I use ChatGPT Functions to try to force it to return just the SVG doc. I have no idea if this is the best way of doing it or not. I didnt do a whole lot of experimenting beyond just getting it working πŸ˜‰
ianβ€’2y ago
Wow, so readable and effective
mikeyseeOPβ€’2y ago
Probably the AI would perform better if it could do a little bit of self-prompting but im not sure exactly how that would work with the functions too. Something to explore in the future if there is interest and I find the time πŸ˜‰
ianβ€’2y ago
What kind of self-prompting?
mikeyseeOPβ€’2y ago
I forget the name of the paper that talks about this, but GPTs tend to do better when they can talk about what they are going to do first before they actually do it
ianβ€’2y ago
Ah right. Yeah- explain your work style
mikeyseeOPβ€’2y ago
For example you get get a lot better response by simply asking it "Did you fulfil the brief I set you" in your followup reply to it yep
ianβ€’2y ago
Maybe have it call a function with the description of changes in plain text, then the structured output as 2 params. I wonder if the llm would produce the parameters in order..
mikeyseeOPβ€’2y ago
ye.. would like to experiment with that for sure
ianβ€’2y ago
What a fun time to be a programmer
mikeyseeOPβ€’2y ago
Yep πŸ™‚ Im keen to explore more. I really would like to play around with your Agent demo more too and do more myself. Im a games programmer so it really intreagues me
ianβ€’2y ago
We’re working on a new engine that’s much more similar to a regular gaming engine- sujay is writing it now, so I’d hold off until next week or so, so you can work on the new version
mikeyseeOPβ€’2y ago
Oh BTW if anyone is in the mood, voting is now open πŸ˜‰ wink wink, nudge nudge https://hackathon.webdevcody.com/submissions
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kunkka@5986β€’12mo ago
what agent demo?
mikeyseeOPβ€’12mo ago
AI Town
jamwtβ€’12mo ago
@Edgar and team are pushing ai town to the breaking point right now... https://www.aireality.tv/
AI Reality TV
Join the AI Reality TV show, follow this one of a kind show where AIs are the stars. Create your own AI and help it win the show.
jamwtβ€’12mo ago
aiming to really push the world size and scope a lot further than the original team took on. pretty exciting work
Edgarβ€’12mo ago
Thanks @jamwt! You created a really great base to make all of this possible (@sujayakar did some real magic here). Excited to see how far we can push this engine!

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