Mikael Lirbank
Mikael Lirbank•2y ago

convex env pull

We just started using Convex actions for integrating with https://knock.app/ and we've set up some Convex env vars with API keys etc. Is there anything like Vercel's vercel env pull to distribute envs to developers?
4 Replies
Mikael Lirbank
Mikael LirbankOP•2y ago
I could place the env vars for developers in our Vercel dashboard though...
Michal Srb
Michal Srb•2y ago
Yeah, Vercel, Github or 1Password could host the values
Mikael Lirbank
Mikael LirbankOP•2y ago
For Convex actions? I need to look closer at this. Ahh, okay, I think I get it! Each developer has to paste in their key into the Convex web UI. The dev DB is not local so no need to pull the envs to the local dev machines. It would be sweet if there were shared dev keys. Faster for a new dev to get up and running and not having to paste in dev keys into their Convex UI first.
Michal Srb
Michal Srb•2y ago
We're actively thinking about this 🙂

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