Identity in scheduled functions

Hi I am calling a mutation1. in its ctx arg I can get the user's identity object (ctx.auth.getUserIdentity()) when I execute mutation2 via a scheduler from mutation1 (i.e mutation1 calls mutation2 via scheduler), that identity object is lost Is there a way to get the same identity object from mutation2's ctx?
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7 Replies
erquhart2y ago
Scheduled functions are always unauthenticated - you'll want to pass authentication info to the scheduled function directly
ashuvssut (ashu)
ashuvssut (ashu)OP2y ago
is there a way to check within mutation2 that "mutation1 triggered" mutation2?
erquhart2y ago
There's no caller info or anything, but you can do so arbitrarily - args can be anything you want
ashuvssut (ashu)
ashuvssut (ashu)OP2y ago
okay thx! are you suggesting to pass ctx.auth directly in mutation2's args? is it safe? client can pass that arg too i think. he/she can misuse this
erquhart2y ago
No, you'll want to authenticate before you schedule the function, then provide any user info you need to the scheduled function via args Scheduled function should be internal, eg., internalQuery, internalMutation. Beyond that it's up to you to ensure you never call it before authenticating.
jamwt2y ago
@ashuvssut (ashu) agree with @erquhart here, internal mutations are already "privledged", because they can only be called by your own mutations or actions. so if you have the "unprivledged" mutation (the api. one, not the internal. one) check the identity, you can just pass this identity to internal functions through the scheduler and trust it is correct
ashuvssut (ashu)
ashuvssut (ashu)OP2y ago
thankyou very much!

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