I wanted to provide some feedback on my

I wanted to provide some feedback on my use of UniFFI in this POC. I decided to go with UniFFI primarily because it significantly reduces the complexity and workload involved in manual implementation. Additionally, the recent async support through the foreign language executor is a great advantage IMO. Another beneficial feature is the generation of foreign language bindings. UniFFI is used by Mozilla for some of their projects (one example: https://github.com/mozilla/application-services) and Matrix (for their client SDK at https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-rust-sdk), among others. UniFFI handle data exchange with foreign languages by "serializing" the data (see: https://github.com/mozilla/uniffi-rs/blob/main/docs/adr/0002-serialize-complex-datatypes.md). For primitive types it's a simple cast, but for complex types it creates a buffer. For instance, a Vec is serialized by storing the length of the vector as the first bytes and the remaining data after that. One limitation I encountered is the lack of native support for BTreeMap and BTreeSet. However, I managed to make it work by leveraging the experimental proc-macro feature. Additionally, I have a question: Did you choose to use BTreeXXX collections not because you needed a binary tree, but rather because implementing Hash for Value would have required to implement Hash for HashMap<String, Value>, and HashMap<Value, Value> or there is another reason? (That's the reason I preferred to use BTree, but HashMap would have been easier since it's a built-in UniFFI type) I believe UniFFI is not perfect but it's the best solution I've found thus far, except building everything from scratch...
5 Replies
nipunn2y ago
Hi. The main motivation was to implement Ord for Value, but it is likely that HashMap could have worked as well by deriving Hash. Both are in std::collections. Open to feedback and input.
Mathieu Tricoire
Mathieu TricoireOP2y ago
Ok, I was wondering if there was a need for Ord because I thought it was not necessary to have this for Value but it seems I didn't dig enough, thanks for the answer 👍 Yes I could implement Hash but for a HashMap it becomes tricky if I'm correct, because you can't derive Hash for HashMap since automatic derive will not be able to ensure a reproductive way to create the hash because of the unordered nature of HashMap but you can implement it manually to ensure a reproductive way to hash the HashMap but I chose the other path.
nipunn2y ago
yep - deriving Hash is not so straightforward - would have to manually do it for HashMap. We went the other route. Deriving Ord is also not straightforward because f64 is not Ord, but there's a way to do it which we implemented.
nipunn2y ago
convex-rs/src/value/sorting.rs at main · get-convex/convex-rs
Rust client library for Convex. Contribute to get-convex/convex-rs development by creating an account on GitHub.
Mathieu Tricoire
Mathieu TricoireOP2y ago
Yes I saw that, I used the ordered-float crate for that if you're interested (can also help to impl Hash for f64 which is not straightforward too) https://crates.io/crates/ordered-float

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