I m doing the next js quickstart and
I'm doing the next.js quickstart, and whenever I do npm run dev it executes and then terminates and nothing happens. I'm kind of confused because I copied literally everything exactly yet nothing really happens so if someone could help out that would be great 🙂
26 Replies
Hi. Mine looks something like this when I run it. I've never seen the (lack of) output you're seeing, so we'll have to debug together.

My first thought is to try directly running
npx next dev
- which is the underlying commandmine looks like this

what OS are you running on?
when you run npm install convex, do you see like "skipping optional dependencies" a bunch of times

I did not see that. It does look like you're on an older unsupported version of node which could be a contributing factor.
o that makes sense
tysm for helping me out 🙂
im gonna try reinstalling node and seeing if that works
yeah - it may not be the only issue, but it seems like it should def be a step in the right direction
i think that definitely fixed it, but now I have an error that says this
wait nvm got it

im pretty sure I put "no" for typescript as shown through the quickstart
I actually got that error too. I think it happens until you do the next step where you add a file inside convex/ directory
we can probably improve the order of the instructions
sorry that I'm asking a lot btw ): thanks for helping me
happy to help
did u get smth like dis when trying to run

i just copied and pasted the index.js stuff
its so weird its like i'm copying and pasting everything exactly from the quickstart and smth goes wrong lul
ya I'm trying it too
I'm also getting the error
first thing I'm noticing is that import should probably be "../convex/_generated/react"
(leading .. instead of .)
i made the change and a new error comes up ):
yeah I think the copy-pasted snippet is missing some imports too
I'm working through them trying to get something working
if the quickstart isnt accurate is there a place where i can like copy code and see if it works
sorry that this experience kinda sucks. We'll improve it
im kinda new to convex and rly want to try it
and obv the quickstart isnt working too great for me is there like boilerplate code I can try if possible idk
its fine nvm ill j clone the github repo. tysm for the help <33
ya I hear ya. Will fix the quickstarts. The github repo (convex-demos) will have some working stuff
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