swift client
Hi Convex!
I discovered your company a week ago and I love what you’re trying to achieve. I slowly started to learn Swift last year and thought Convex would be a perfect fit to build iOS applications and other
Apple devices
applications, you already have ReactNative but I think Convex could interest Swift developer, so I started to write a Swift client for Convex, for now It’s not “reactive” but I’ll implement WebSockets in the coming days, if you want to check it out: https://github.com/MathieuTricoire/SwiftConvex I also wrote a very very simple iOS app with it as a demo: https://github.com/MathieuTricoire/ConvexChatAppDemo3 Replies
this is awesome! we've been thinking about specialized clients for mobile, but nothing imminent, so this could be really useful! if you want a head start on figuring out our websocket protocol, i wrote a client a while ago with several missing features at https://github.com/ldanilek/Hello-Convex-iOS/blob/main/Hello%20Convex/Convex.swift
Hello-Convex-iOS/Convex.swift at main · ldanilek/Hello-Convex-iOS
Demo for connecting to Convex from a native iOS app - Hello-Convex-iOS/Convex.swift at main · ldanilek/Hello-Convex-iOS
Nice! I will definitely take a look
Also don't hesitate to give me feedback on the lib, I started learning Swift last year so any feedback is welcome
i took a look at the code, and it looks really clean! excited to see
showing up in our dashboard of client versions 👀