ian2y ago

Feature Gating?

How can I do Feature Gating in Convex, specifically inside Query & Mutation functions, which don't have access to 3rd party services like LaunchDarkly?
1 Reply
ianOP2y ago
There's a couple ways to do this. 1. I wrote a post on doing this using Convex tables, as an example: https://stack.convex.dev/feature-gating lmk how it works for you! 2. You can use streaming ingress to mirror 3rd party data into a Convex table to be able to query: https://docs.convex.dev/database/import-export/airbyte
Launching Features Right on Time: Feature Gating
Today we’re going to talk about how to flip features on and off remotely using a clever use of the reactive nature of Convex queries.
Using Convex with Airbyte | Convex Developer Hub
Analyze your Convex data by exporting via Airbyte.

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