Tristan2y ago


What's the mental model I should have for scalability of Convex? e.g. is it more akin to single node postgres, postgres with read replicas, postgres with redis cache, dynamodb, spanner? Perhaps this is documented?
2 Replies
james2y ago
hi @Tristan, the model you should have for this is akin to firebase or spanner, e.g., designed to scale with your application internally without you needing to shard at the application level typically the scaling questions we want you to be thinking about are whether you want to be employing indexes to speed up queries, but not scaling out for storage or throughput reasons many of us at convex have build some very-large databases and storage systems with this model, e.g., millions of qps, petabytes of metadata, exabytes of storage, so have plans for scaling up our internal systems as needed. in the meantime if you have any specific throughput/scale demands and are curious about whether convex can handle them today or in the near future i'm happy to DM and chat more!
TristanOP2y ago
Ok, cool. I just wanted to get a vague sense right now and that's perfect.

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