Dashboard opens slowly
Hi friends! We have the following problem: the site opens in 2 minute for me (but instantly for my teammate, the same page). Can you help me debug it? UPD: my site
11 Replies
I can try!
In the network tab in chrome we spend all time on the websocket
This is the dashboard we're talking about, right? Not a site you're building?
my site
evetything works fine, once websoket it instantiated
but on refresh of page it re-inits
on the server side the queires in the logs all run instantly
Oh ok! I'll have more questions about your queries and WebSocket connection, if it's easy to screenshare let me know
yeah it's easy
But otherwise let's see, by looking at the WebSocket traffic we should be able to figure out which packets are huge
and which queries they are for
let's hope on a call
(we're thinking about dev tools for all of this)
cool, just a sec
hop hop hop
call me in DM
actually y'all should get a voice chat here 🙂
but that's separate
I just made one for the future