Auth0 demo
Hi friends! Trying to follow the auth0 tutorial
Getting this error screen when trying to login

5 Replies
Did you create an Auth0 app and add it at the command line? What version of the Auth0 library are you using?
@simonjbest ran into something that sounds similar, for them the problem was with using auth0-react v2 which introduced a new authorizationParams attribute in which the redirect_uri needs to be provided. They found going back to auth0-react v1.12.1 made it work.
@vors This demo is working for me, what do your Auth0 settings look like? Here are mine:

According to the lockfile I'm on auth0-react "version": "1.12.1",
Did you create an Auth0 app and add it at the command line?yeap maybe I messed up something with adding it... let me try creating another one. hm, same
Want to hop on a call? are you clicking the "Save" button at the bottom of the Auth0 settings?
Same here, 1.12.1
ok sorry I just stupid, I didn't manually add
to the allowed origins...
All good now!
When I created the Auth0 app the first time, it did a walk-through where it seemed like it set it up for me automatically. Maybe it setup only some of them. When I created the second app all the fields being empty.