ian3y ago

Throttling Requests by Single-Flighting

I put together a blog post on best practices for throttling mutations for things like typing. @RJ I thought of your collaborative text editor. Hopefully this is helpful for anyone doing fast updates! https://blog.convex.dev/throttling-requests-by-single-flighting/
The Convex Blog
Throttling Requests by Single-Flighting
Building reactive applications can become an obsession. How much fast can I sync state? How can I keep my app feeling responsive? How can I avoid wasting resources? Let’s say you want a responsive UI and care about how fast your UI can update. A naive approach would just
4 Replies
RJ3y ago
Nice, I especially like the side-by-side of different strategies for limiting request rates!
ianOP3y ago
I almost made a nice diagram outlining the differences. Do you think it reads well enough without it?
RJ3y ago
I think it’s definitely comprehensible without, but IMO it’s also the perfect opportunity for a diagram! I was thinking when reading it that something in the style of what RxJS uses in their documentation could be really awesome “Marble diagrams”: https://rxjs.dev/guide/operators#marble-diagrams
ianOP3y ago
ah, super cool to have a consistent UI language for transformations

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